Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Initial Ideas - Horror

We have decided that a horror trailer would allow us to explore our creativity both with the film making and  the editing. We are initially thinking about making a paranormal type trailer where we will include the devil as our antagonist where the character will cause fear in the other characters and will potentially cause harm to them. We can do this by using prosthetic's and therefore making any cuts or grazes seem real.We will try and practice this before filming to make sure we know what we want the outcome to look like. This will be effective because it will look realistic and make the viewing experience better. Our main outcome of this trailer is to make it scary and jumpy so that the audience will become more tensed and therefore further engaged. By making the main antagonist dark and creepy will add scariness to our trailer and is also something which the audience may expect. However, we want to add something that the audience will not necessarily expect to see so that the trailer becomes more effective and therefore engages them.

We have taken some inspiration from these films as these include the devil as the main antagonist even though the audience cannot see him. This also creates tension for the audience as they will become fearful and will want to see the rest of the film. We think that this will be a good idea to follow in some aspects so that the conventions of a horror are correctly followed so that we create a trailer that looks realistic. These posters show the dark lighting and the use of red writing to connote danger and fear, conforming to the conventions of a horror film.

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