Wednesday, 9 September 2015

7 Minutes - Film Trailer

The opening of this trailer starts out with a close up of a clock showing the time 8:29am. As the camera pans in, the time changes to 8:30am which could mean that it is meant to be a memorable time. Meanwhile, the sound is of a clock ticking, building tension for the audience. An older male is then shown through a close up where he is driving a car. This conforms to an action genre as many of these involve some form of driving. Another male is shown through a close up as he is putting on a mask, suggesting that he will want to keep his identity hidden. This again conforms to an action genre because masked antagonists are used to connote mystery and thrill. Two other males are shown through a close up putting on masks suggesting that the film is about these characters. One of the males is then shown through a close up shot in a mirror. The background is faded showing that he is the focus of the film and that he is possibly looking for something or someone. The male is then shown through a medium shot, but the camera very quickly cuts to show a woman who is pregnant, suggesting that this could possibly be his girlfriend or wife. Next, the three men are shown getting out of the car which they appear to be doing very slowly. A fade to black is used to then show another one of the males sat in the car. The ticking sound is still used to suggest that they are running out of time for something. It also builds tension for the audience which will engage them to the trailer, further making them want to go and watch the film. The next scene is of the men braking into a building. Through a long shot, the audience can see that the characters are wearing the masks and have weaponry conforming to the genre of action. A low angle shot is used to show other one of the characters wearing a mask making it look like that he is hitting someone with his gun. This will engage the audience because they will find think that they apart of the film. The next scene is of one of the characters pointing his gun at someone. The other male character then says "Sam" in a questioning tone, suggesting that even with his mask on people can still tell who he is. An establishing shot is then used to show a house, which is one of the males home. Another establishing shot is used to show the outside of a jail, which conforms to an action again with the frequent use of establishing shots. The next scene, the lighting is quite dark suggesting that the men are hiding something, again engaging the audience and making them want to go and see the film to find out what happens. Another long shot is used to show the inside of a house. The camera cuts to a close up of another male who offers the men "$62,000" which conforms to an action film because the use of money used as a bribe. A close up shot is used to show one of the males driving the car, which then turns to be a three shot with them sat in a triangle shape. Fast paced editing and music is then used to show that the genre of the film is an action but to also engage the audience further into the trailer. The words "out of luck" are then shown suggesting that the men are on a time limit and that they are too late. This links back to the start of the trailer where the ticking sound was.  More fast paced editing is used as one of the males is pushed down the stairs and the man at the top is pointing a gun at him. The sound is quite loud and harsh which conforms to an action film. This goes alongside the editing as it is quite fast paced but not rushed. Another dark scene happens suggesting that the men are in hiding or that they are watching out for someone. A close up of a bag is also shown soon after, filled with guns, conforming to an action film as this is what you'd typically see. The next scene, all of the characters are masked suggesting that they use these when they are out fighting so that people cannot identify them. Again, fast paced editing is used to show the genre of the film and highlight the fight scenes. Most of the characters in this scene have some form of weaponry. The sound is harsh and rushed, linking to the fast paced cuts that are used. Reviews are then shown between clips so that the audience know if the film is worth going to see or not. A voice over is used to highlight the fighting between the 4 men. More gun shots are used, as well as sparks to conform to an action film. Finally, in the titles the "7" looks like a gun, linking to an action film and what the film contains.

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