Thursday, 15 October 2015

Questionnaire Analysis

We have conducted a question in order to find out about what the public expect to see in horror film trailers and get an general overview of what they like, so we can consider who our target audience should be for our own film.

From the questionnaire 40% of women aged between 16-24 like to watch horror films. This shows that its a stereotypically view that men and women would usually watch these types of genre films as horror films are aimed for both due to the conventions within. Horror films hold the conventions such as two protagonist doing everything together including fear which would entertain the audience and make them watch it further. The age range which this genre fell in our questionnaire were ranging from 12-25, this shows that horror film can be a friendly type of film as it something they will be able to enjoy whilst the content can be appropriate for them, and is enjoyable to watch. 20% of both males and females had chosen as there favourite genre of film suggesting that it shows that both genders would want a bit of scare as the storyline would be based on a true story which would make them want to go and watch it, as they would want to know more about the past. Also the age range for the horror genre was between 16-25 as from the questionnaire it showed that they would be most interested in these types of films as the content shown would scare them and shows that the film may have restriction on certain horror film due to the content shown, however parental guidance may be required for these film for children aged 13 or under.

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