Friday, 18 March 2016

Evaluation 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. of teaser trailers/poster/magazines)

The title of the film is conventional to a horror film trailer as it is expected by the audience that are aware of what the film is called, making it easier for them to research the film for later updates. We decided to have a hidden eye in the wall to show indication of the antagonist of our film, which is more personal to our film. It creates this suspension for the audience as it come out searching for the protagonist, however, has direct contact with the audience, making them feel apart the trailer, making them intrigued about what will happen in the film. The stencil font that we used is called Adobe Caslon Pro Bold size 7, but when putting the titles together we did adapt the size so that it would look more prominent in the trailer looked more self centred and noticeable for the audience. We also thought that decreasing the brightness and contrast of the background on Photoshop to create a more darker atmospheric look, which connotes a mystery for the audience to figure out by watching the full film. We have also kept this consistent throughout film poster, by having the same background image but we have changed it slightly to show a more darker transitional effect, showing the most powerful side of the antagonist. By having this allows the audience to remember distinctly about the film as this is the unique selling point which the audience will be able to remember.This is conventional to the horror genre as usually it shows how the antagonist is lurking around to get rid of the protagonist and hints the audience about the antagonist personality.

For the location of the film, we decided to film in an abandoned house where most of story happens in there and is usually where the protagonist tends to be more eager about the house and investigates. The antagonist is also quite prominent in this location as it usually lurks inside the house, torturing the protagonist at the same time making it more difficult to complete her investigation. Also the woods is another main location for our film as this is where the antagonist will be introduced and the dark lighting also 
contributes to the convention of a horror trailer as this creates more scare and tension for the audience about how the story will unfold.

We used a variety of camera angles and shots including establishing shot of the wood location, shot reverse shot with the medium shot between the sisters as they are talking about doing the investigation together. And the trailer begins with a lot of quick close up shot of the photos where one of the girl has been killed, we also use close up shots of the newspaper to show the plot of the film, giving the audience an insight into what to expect in the film, we also used angle shot at some of the more intense moments to show the protagonist being tortured and being alone fighting the antagonist. Also there is a clear sight of who is given more prevalence with the over the shoulder shots of the protagonist researching about the history of the house. This allows the audience to have a main focus as this would immediately show that they would side with her and follow her as she investigates. Alongside as the camera pans around the protagonist whilst they set up for there overnight stay at the forest, suggests that we have presented the protagonist as quite fearless, but yet vulnerable to which she is unaware of the consequences that causes the antagonist to go after for revenge. This adheres to the conventions of a horror film trailer as usually the protagonist is the more confident, but yet target harshly towards the antagonist and this is effective as it starts to builds tension, as this puts the protagonist at danger. But this leaves enigma codes to which the audience would continue to watch to find out of the protagonist would survive in the film or not.
The trailer begins accordingly which meets the expectations of a typical trailer as all trailer have an official start showing the age restriction for the film, which has been provided by the film rating website as they watch and judge the suitable audience for this trailer. So we thought that by adding a this would make the audience aware about the age of which this film can be view, so for our film we have put that there needs to an accompany adult for people under 17, as 
there are some some language used throughout the film, which the audience should be aware about. Then the green screen fades out and we are introduced to the production title which to created on Photoshop and added it to our trailer, alongside it we also used some special effects such as adding the additive dissolve to the title and the picture to go from black and white to colour making conventional to a trailer as it shows that the film has been created by a highly budgeted film.

Some of the other titles that we used allows to give the audience some information and some background information about the film, as this would make them more intrigued and interested to find out about the storyline. Having one of the titles as "BASED ON A TRUE STORY" adheres to the conventions of a horror film trailer as this makes the trailer more believable to the audience knowing that it has happened in real life, and this is a key element of which will grab the audience's attention towards the film. We also added some quotes from magazine, to show the popularity of the film, by having well known magazine helps to promote the film by sharing audience bases across both the magazine and the trailer. We decided to have the cast names in the film trailer as this allows the audience to identify who is in the trailer, and may recognise them from provided films. We used the same font style, but we changed it by having the white font then fade into another title or scene as we wanted to keep a them going and it makes the trailer seem more serious for the audience to gain a sense of what is going on in the film.

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